In combat, Jango Fett is all about either disabling or neutralizing his chosen foe, and he has many means to achieve this end. For now, he is quite willing to serve as a gun for hire in the current conflicts, looking to secure a future for himself and his son. And while his clones perform ably, it’d be hard to find one who can hold up compared to the original. Where some bounty hunters are narrow specialists, Jango Fett is an all-around generalist, as skilled in close combat as marksmanship-just the sort of warrior generals dream of replicating to fill every combat niche. Not only a capable marksman, Jango Fett possesses superlative combat and survival instincts, employing a diverse arsenal of weapons and tools.

There are good reasons for his selection for this strange honor Jango Fett has proven himself to be a tremendously skilled, versatile, and fit warrior. It would be his DNA in the bodies and his face beneath the helmets of countless soldiers deployed against the Separatist Alliance in the final years before the rise of the Empire. After a long career securing the most dangerous bounties, the greatest long-term impact of Jango Fett’s legacy was being hired to become the template for the clone army created for the Grand Army of the Republic.